
public protocol TaskProtocol : FutureProtocol where Self.Value : Either

An interface describing a thread-safe way for interacting with the result of some work that may either succeed or fail at some point in the future.

A task is a superset of a future where the asynchronously-determined value represents 1 or more exclusive states. These states can be abstracted over by extensions on the task protocol. The future value is almost always the TaskResult type, but many types conforming to TaskProtocol may exist.


  • A type that represents the success of some asynchronous work.



    associatedtype Success where Self.Success == Self.Value.Right
  • A type that represents the failure of some asynchronous work.



    typealias Failure = Error
  • uponSuccess(on:execute:) Default implementation

    Call some body closure if the task successfully completes.

    Default Implementation

    Call some body closure if the task successfully completes.







    func uponSuccess(on executor: Executor, execute body: @escaping(_ value: Success) -> Void)



    A context for handling the body.


    A closure to be invoked when the result is determined.


    The determined success value.

  • uponFailure(on:execute:) Default implementation

    Call some body closure if the task fails.

    Default Implementation

    Call some body closure if the task fails.







    func uponFailure(on executor: Executor, execute body: @escaping(_ error: Failure) -> Void)



    A context for handling the body.


    A closure to be invoked when the result is determined.


    The determined failure value.

  • isCancelled Default implementation

    Tests whether the underlying work has been cancelled.

    An implementation should be a best effort. By default, no cancellation is supported, and thus cannot become cancelled.

    Should an implementation choose to be cancellable, it should fully implement cancellability with cancel.

    Default Implementation



    var isCancelled: Bool { get }
  • cancel() Default implementation

    Attempt to cancel the underlying work.

    An implementation should be a best effort. By default, no cancellation is supported, and this method does nothing.

    There are several situations in which a valid implementation may not actually cancel:

    • The work has already completed.
    • The work has entered an uncancelable state.
    • An underlying task is not cancellable.

    Should an implementation choose to be cancellable, it should fully implement cancellability with isCancelled.

    Default Implementation



    func cancel()
  • andThen(upon:start:) Extension method

    Begins another task by passing the result of the task to startNextTask once it completes successfully.

    On Apple platforms, chaining a task contributes a unit of progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. If startNextTask runs and returns a task that itself reports progress, that progress will also contribute to the chain’s overall progress.

    Cancelling the resulting task will attempt to cancel both the receiving task and the created task.



    public func andThen<NewTask: TaskProtocol>(upon executor: PreferredExecutor, start startNextTask: @escaping(Success) throws -> NewTask) -> Task<NewTask.Success>
  • andThen(upon:start:) Extension method

    Begins another task by passing the result of the task to startNextTask once it completes successfully.

    On Apple platforms, chaining a task contributes a unit of progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. If startNextTask runs and returns a task that itself reports progress, that progress will also contribute to the chain’s overall progress.

    Cancelling the resulting task will attempt to cancel both the receiving task and the created task.


    It is important to keep in mind the thread safety of the startNextTask closure. andThen submits startNextTask to executor once the task completes successfully.





    public func andThen<NewTask: TaskProtocol>(upon executor: Executor, start startNextTask: @escaping(Success) throws -> NewTask) -> Task<NewTask.Success>
  • fallback(upon:to:) Extension method

    Begins another task in the case of the failure of self by calling restartTask with the error.

    On Apple platforms, retrying a task contributes a unit of progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. If restartTask runs and returns a task that itself reports progress, that progress will also contribute to the chain’s overall progress.

    Cancelling the resulting task will attempt to cancel both the receiving task and the created task.



    public func fallback<NewTask: TaskProtocol>(upon executor: PreferredExecutor, to restartTask: @escaping(Failure) throws -> NewTask) -> Task<Success> where NewTask.Success == Success
  • fallback(upon:to:) Extension method

    Begins another task in the case of the failure of self by calling restartTask with the error.

    On Apple platforms, retrying a task contributes a unit of progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. If restartTask runs and returns a task that itself reports progress, that progress will also contribute to the chain’s overall progress.

    Cancelling the resulting task will attempt to cancel both the receiving task and the created task.


    It is important to keep in mind the thread safety of the restartTask closure. fallback submits restartTask to executor once the task fails.





    public func fallback<NewTask: TaskProtocol>(upon executor: Executor, to restartTask: @escaping(Failure) throws -> NewTask) -> Task<Success> where NewTask.Success == Success
  • Begin a task immediately by calling startTask, then if it fails retry up to the numberOfAttempts.



    public static func `repeat`(
        upon preferredExecutor: PreferredExecutor,
        count numberOfAttempts: Int = 3,
        continuingIf shouldRetry: @escaping(Failure) -> Bool = { _ in return true },
        to startTask: @escaping() throws -> Task<Success>
    ) -> Task<Success>
  • Begin a task immediately by calling startTask, then if it fails retry by calling startTask up to the numberOfAttempts.

    If numberOfAttempts is less than 1, startTask will still be invoked regardless.

    If provided, shouldRetry will be submitted to the executor to check whether the work can be retried for a given failure. Without a retry predicate, the attempt will always continue.


    It is important to keep in mind the thread safety of the startTask closure. It is initially called in the current execution context, then submitted to executor for any failures.



    public static func `repeat`(
        upon executor: Executor,
        count numberOfAttempts: Int = 3,
        continuingIf shouldRetry: @escaping(Failure) -> Bool = { _ in return true },
        to startTask: @escaping() throws -> Task<Success>
    ) -> Task<Success>
  • ignored() Extension method

    Returns a task that ignores the successful completion of this task.

    This is semantically identical to the following:

    myTask.map { _ in }

    But behaves more efficiently.

    The resulting task is cancellable in the same way the receiving task is.





    public func ignored() -> Task<Void>
  • map(upon:transform:) Extension method

    Returns a Task containing the result of mapping transform over the successful task’s value.

    On Apple platforms, mapping a task reports its progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. During execution of transform, an additional progress object created using the current parent will also contribute to the chain’s progress.

    The resulting task is cancellable in the same way the receiving task is.



    public func map<NewSuccess>(upon queue: PreferredExecutor, transform: @escaping(Success) throws -> NewSuccess) -> Task<NewSuccess>
  • map(upon:transform:) Extension method

    Returns a Task containing the result of mapping transform over the successful task’s value.

    The transform is submitted to the executor once the task completes.

    On Apple platforms, mapping a task reports its progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. During execution of transform, an additional progress object created using the current parent will also contribute to the chain’s progress.

    The resulting task is cancellable in the same way the receiving task is.





    public func map<NewSuccess>(upon executor: Executor, transform: @escaping(Success) throws -> NewSuccess) -> Task<NewSuccess>
  • succeed(with:) Extension method

    Completes the task with a successful value, or a thrown error.

    If value represents an expression that may fail by throwing, the task will implicitly catch the failure as the result.

    Fulfilling this deferred value should usually be attempted only once.



    public func succeed(with value: @autoclosure() throws -> Success) -> Bool
  • fail(with:) Extension method

    Completes the task with a failed error.





    public func fail(with error: Failure) -> Bool
  • recover(upon:substituting:) Extension method

    Returns a Task containing the result of mapping substitution over the failed task’s error.

    On Apple platforms, recovering from a failed task reports its progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. During execution of transform, an additional progress object created using the current parent will also contribute to the chain’s progress.

    The resulting task is cancellable in the same way the receiving task is.



    public func recover(upon executor: PreferredExecutor, substituting substitution: @escaping(Failure) throws -> Success) -> Task<Success>
  • recover(upon:substituting:) Extension method

    Returns a Task containing the result of mapping substitution over the failed task’s error.

    recover submits the substitution to the executor once the task fails.

    On Apple platforms, recovering from a failed task reports its progress to the root task. A root task is the earliest task in a chain of tasks. During execution of transform, an additional progress object created using the current parent will also contribute to the chain’s progress.

    The resulting task is cancellable in the same way the receiving task is.





    public func recover(upon executor: Executor, substituting substitution: @escaping(Failure) throws -> Success) -> Task<Success>